TruePath: the Path Manipulation Library for .NET


Historically, .NET has been lacking a good set of types to work with file system paths. The System.IO.Path class has a variety of methods that operate on path strings, but it doesn't provide any types to represent paths themselves. It's impossible to tell whether a method accepts an absolute path, a relative path, a file name, or something file-related at all, only looking at its signature: all these types are represented by plain strings. Also, comparing different paths is not straightforward.

This library aims to fill this gap by providing a set of types that represent paths in a strongly-typed way. Now, you can require a path in a method's parameters, and it is guaranteed that the passed path will be well-formed and will have certain properties.

Also, the methods in the library provide some qualities that are missing from the System.IO.Path: say, we aim to provide several ways of path normalization and comparison, the ones that will and will not perform disk IO to resolve paths on case-insensitive file systems.

The library is inspired by the path libraries used in other ecosystems: in particular, Java's java.nio.file.Path and Kotlin's extensions.

Project Summary

TruePath allows the user to employ two main approaches to work with paths.

For cases when you want the path kinds to be checked at compile time, you can use the AbsolutePath and (WIP) RelativePath types. This guarantees that you will work with proper absolute or relative paths, and it's impossible to mix them in an unsupported way that sometimes leads to surprising results (such as Path.Combine("/usr", "/bin") being equals to "/bin").

If you just need a more convenient API to work with paths, and it's not important to use strict path kinds, just rely on the functionality provided by LocalPath: it is opaque in a sense it wraps both absolute and relative paths, and you can use it in a more flexible way. It may still cause surprising behavior, though: new LocalPath("/usr") / "/bin" is still an equivalent of "/bin" (which is not the case for AbsolutePath and RelativePath).

The strict approach will cost a bit of performance, as the library will have to validate the path kind at runtime.


The library offers several struct (i.e. low to zero memory overhead) types wrapping path strings. The types are designed to not involve any disk IO operations by default, and thus provide excellent performance during common operations. This comes with a drawback, though: path comparison is only performed as string comparison so far — though it tries to take platform-specific case sensitivity defaults into account. See the section Path Comparison for details.

The paths are stored in the normalized form.

  • All the Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar are converted to Path.DirectorySeparatorChar (e.g. / to \ on Windows).
  • Any repeated separators in the input are collapsed to only one separator (e.g. // to just / on Unix).
  • Any sequence of current and parent directory marks (subsequently, . and ..) is resolved if possible (meaning they will not be replaced if they are in the root position: paths such as . or ../.. will not be affected by the normalization, while e.g. foo/bar/../. will be resolved to just foo).

Note that the normalization operation will not perform any file IO, and is purely string manipulation.

In this section, we'll overview some of the main library features. For details, see [the API reference][api.index].


This is the type that may either be a relative or an absolute. Small showcase:

var myRoot = new LocalPath("foo/bar");
var fooDirectory = myRoot.Parent;

var bazSubdirectory = myRoot / "baz";
var alsoBazSubdirectory = myRoot / new LocalPath("baz");


This functions basically the same as the LocalPath, but it is always an absolute path, which is checked in the constructor.

To convert from LocalPath to AbsolutePath and vice versa, you can use the constructors of AbsolutePath and LocalPath respectively. Any AbsolutePath constructor (from either a string or a LocalPath) has same check for absolute path, and any LocalPath constructor (from either a string or an AbsolutePath) doesn't have any checks.


This is an interface that is implemented by both LocalPath and AbsolutePath. It allows to process any paths in a polymorphic way.


This is a marker type that doesn't offer any advanced functionality over the contained string. It is used to mark paths that include wildcards, for further integration with external libraries, such as Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing.

Path Comparison

Path comparison is a complex topic, because whether several strings point to one object or not might depend on various factors: first and the most obvious one is case sensitivity: in general, operating systems allow to set up case-sensitive or case-insensitive mode for any path on the file system. Practically though, in most cases the users aren't changing the defaults for this mode, and have paths as case-sensitive on Linux, while having them case-insensitive on Windows and macOS.

Another related issue is canonical path status (for the lack of a better term). Various systems allows for several different strings to mark the same file on disk (either via links, junctions, or obscure features such as 8.3 mode on Windows).

TruePath allows the user to control certain aspects of how their paths are presented and compared, and offers a set of defaults that prefer max performance over correctness — they should work for the most practical cases, but may break in certain situations.

When comparing the path objects via either == operator or the standard Equals(object) method, the library uses the AbsolutePath.PlatformDefaultComparer or the LocalPath.PlatformDefaultComparer, meaning that

  • paths are compared as strings (no canonicalization performed),
  • paths are compared in either case-sensitive (Linux) or case-insensitive/ordinal mode (Windows, macOS).

For cases when you want to always perform strict case-sensitive comparison (more performant yet not platform-aware), pass the AbsolutePath.StrictStringComparer or the LocalPath.StrictStringComparer to the overload of the Equals method:

var path1 = new LocalPath("a/b/c");
var path2 = new LocalPath("A/B/C");
var result1 = path1.Equals(path2, LocalPath.StrictStringComparer); // guaranteed to be false on all platforms
var result2 = path1.Equals(path2); // might be true or false, depends on the current platform

The advantage of the current implementations is that they will never do any IO: they don't need to ask the OS about path features to compare them. This comes at cost of incorrect comparisons for paths that use unusual semantics (say, a folder that's marked as case-sensitive on a platform with case-insensitive default). We are planning to offer an option for a comparer that will take particular path case sensitivity into account; follow the issue #20 for details.

To convert the path to the canonical form, use AbsolutePath::Canonicalize.


TruePath.Temporary class contains a set of utility methods to work with the system temp directory (most widely known as TEMP or TMP environment variable):

  • Temporary::SystemTempDirectory() will return it as an absolute path;
  • Temporary::CreateTempFile() will create a randomly-named file in the system temp directory and return an absolute path to it;
  • Temporary::CreateTempFolder() will create a randomly-named folder in the system temp directory and return an absolute path to it.